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Eat&Read starts again

The new volunteer in the social service of culture Nina Koch invites to Eat&Read at the international Meeting Center (IBZ) from 20. September.

Nina Koch started her Voluntary social service of Culture (FSJ) in the International Office at TU Dortmund University at the beginning of September. She will support the team of the International Meeting Center (IBZ) until August of next year.

"I chose TU Dortmund for my Voluntary social service toget to know new people from different countries and cultures, to see a university from a different perspective and to broaden my own horizons", describes Nina Koch.

She will take over from her predecessor Felix Tillmann the Eat&Read, which takes place every Wednesday from 12-15 p.m. in the foyer of the IBZ and offers an opportunity to connect with students over waffles and coffee. The first Eat&Read with Nina will start on 20.09.2023 at 12pm at the IBZ.