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Into the world with a group of students of TU Dortmund University

PROMOS Study Trip

The DAAD started the PROMOS program with funds from the BMBF, for which German universities can apply through the DAAD. This provides TU Dortmund University with funds for student stays abroad but also includes funding for study trips abroad, which can be applied for under the direction of a professor via the International Office.

TU Dort­mund University Study Trip Abroad

Professors at TU Dortmund University can submit an application for funding by October 31, 2024 for the calendar year 2025 .

Due to the tight budget in 2025, there can only be one application deadline.

In the hope of a better PROMOS grant amount for 2026, two application deadlines can then be offered again:

October 31, 2025 (for the 1st half of the following year 2026) and April 30, 2026 (for the 2nd half of 2026)


  • The study trip may not exceed 12 days.


  • Degree-seeking students of TU Dortmund University and one accompanying person (e.g. lecturer, research assistant, professor of TU Dortmund University)

Nationality of students

  • German nationality or
  • Equal to Germans according to § 8 paragraph 1 number 2 ff., paragraph 2, 2a and 3 BAföG or
  • Non-Germans who are enrolled in a course of study at TU Dortmund University with the aim of obtaining a degree or doctorate at TU Dortmund University. For non-German citizens, stays in their home country are excluded. The home country is considered to be the country in which the student has been predominantly residing for at least five years.

Content of the study trip

In addition to imparting subject-related knowledge and insights into the host country, the focus must be on meeting foreign students and scientists on site. Travel with a predominantly touristic program cannot be funded.

Important information

Funding for mandatory excursions and measures already carried out as well as for lecture or congress trips and conference trips is excluded.

Applicants are obliged to notify us immediately in writing if further funding for the same purpose is applied for or approved by other public bodies or if further funding is promised by third parties. If the trip is financed by various donors, a detailed cost breakdown is required.

The grant may not be used to finance expenses that are financed from other funds (prohibition of double funding).

All trips in the current year must be completed by 15 December.

The lump sum is 45 EUR per person and day for trips to all countries. According to the DAAD guidelines, the grant is only to be used for accommodation and travel expenses.

The selection committee may also decide to only partially fund a PROMOS study trip.

Persons with a degree of disability (GdB) of at least 50 or a chronic illness who are taking part in a study trip abroad as part of project funding can get in touch with the International Office for additional funding. The International Office can submit a grant application via the DAAD portal at least two months before the start of the planned mobility. A maximum of 10,000 euros can be granted as a grant to cover additional expenses during the mobility (including expenses for a possible accompanying person).

All information on applying for special funds for additional expenses for mobility with disabilities can be found on the PROMOS website - application documents and further information.

  • Application for funding for a study trip abroad for TU Dortmund University students (in German) (includes the financial plan and the list of participants (if necessary with N.N.)
  • Detailed description of the program (justification of the planned study trip, description of the preparation and follow-up of the trip, e.g. through special courses)
  • Proof of the agreement with the host partner university or institution regarding the visit of the group of participants (cooperation agreement; correspondence; letter of invitation)
  • Preliminary program
  • Bank details (in the case of funding)

The selection is made by a committee representing a cross-section of the departments of TU Dortmund University. These are selected members of the focus departments and the TU Dortmund project team. If more than two applications are submitted from one department, the International Office will send them to the Dean's Office of the respective department with the request for a ranking.

Selection criteria for the internal university selection are

  • Transfer of specialist knowledge
  • Regional historical insights
  • Meeting foreign students and scientists on site

Please apply for funding early enough to facilitate your planning. Please note that the decision of the selection committee can take up to two months, so that you can expect a reply by Mid-June/end of December.

A1 Certificate | Certificate of Secondment

Should the application be approved, TU Dort­mund University must apply for an A1 certificate (within the EU) / Certificate of Secondment (outside the EU), which you must carry with you during your study trip. You must actively apply for this certificate and contact the appropriate contact person in Department 3.2.

Travel safety

The decision to travel to risk areas lies with you and TU Dortmund University, taking into account the regulations of the PROMOS program, the institution's internal strategies and the respective crisis management. This also means that you must inform yourself about the current situation in the host country on the website of the Federal Foreign Office and consult with the International Office before you begin your stay abroad.
