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Prize for International Students

DAAD Prize 2024

The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), endowed with 1,000 EUR, distinguishes an outstanding international student who has excelled through particular academic performance as well as remarkable social or intercultural commitment.

Applicants for the DAAD Prize must be nominated by professors, international student advisors of the corresponding faculties or supervisors of the final thesis/dissertation. These applicants may also have graduated just recently.

Who Can Nominate Candidates?

Students can be nominated by professors, deans, prorectors, representatives for international students and lecturers.

You Can Nominate Students Who...

  • show excellent academic achievements (average grade between 1.0 to 1.7),
  • engage in social and/or intercultural activities,
  • are foreign students/Bildungsausländer*) and do not have German citizenship,
  • aim for a degree at TU Dortmund University (it is not possible to nominate visiting or exchange students),
  • are at least in the 3rd semester (BA) or 2nd semester (MA) or young graduates (at the time of the award ceremony, the degree should not date back any longer than three months) or doctoral students.

*) Bildungsauslaender are international students who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification abroad or who have completed school qualifications acquired abroad with a German preparatory college.

Documents for Application

  • Nomination letter from your dean, professor, graduation thesis supervisor or student advisor.
  • If you contribute to a group/club/etc. on campus, a university employee must write a letter of recommendation stating your activities on an academic and social, societal or intercultural level.
  • If you contribute to a group/club/etc. off-campus, a letter of recommendation from a management office is required. This letter must show the commitment on a social, societal or intercultural level.
  • Current curriculum vitae.
  • Current overview of grades.
  • Current study certificate.
  • Motivational letter (max. 1 page)
  • Proof(s) or certificate(s) of voluntary commitment.

Selection and Awarding

The selection is made by a committee consisting of the International Office and the Vice President for International Affairs. The DAAD prize is to be presented at the Come2Campus welcome event in the winter semester.

Application for the DAAD Prize: 31 August 2024

Please send the nomination proposals and the application documents in digital form by using the online application form.

Application Form for the DAAD Prize 2024

Persönliches | Personal Data

Former DAAD Prize Winners

2023: Abdallah Abdelmonaem (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

2022: María Ángeles García Flores (Department of Statistics)

2021: Brian Hess (Department of Cultural Studies)

2020: Denis Belonogov (Department Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)

2019: Elena Shashko (Department of Computer Science)

2018: Komay Saimouaa (Department of Computer Science)

2017: Ahmed Adeil Ilyas (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

2016: Jianshuang Xu (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)

2015: Rajkumar Palaniappan (Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology)

2014: Esmeray Üstünyağız (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

2013: Kristian Aknolt Pakpahan (Department of Humanities and Theology)

2012: Maia Iobidze (Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology)


Foreign students who are enrolled at a German university (no visiting or exchange students) and are pursuing a bachelor’s (at least 2nd or 3rd year) or master’s degree (at least 2nd semester) can be nominated.

Furthermore, students must show good academic performances (average grade 1.0 to 1.7) and social commitment within the TU Dortmund University community or off-campus. Young graduates and doctoral candidates can also be nominated.

Foreign students (Bildungsauslaender) are international students who have acquired their higher education entrance qualification abroad or who have completed school qualifications acquired abroad at a German preparatory college.

No. International students can only be nominated by faculty professors, lecturers or international student representatives.

Yes, if the degree does not date back longer than three months at the time of the prize awarding ceremony.

No, the DAAD Prize is not a research prize. If possible, it should be awarded to students, and then possibly to doctoral candidates.

No, the prize may only be awarded once.

The prize is endowed with 1,000 EUR. The payment will be made after the prize awarding ceremony.

The DAAD Prize awarding ceremony is documented in a press report on the university's website.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Social Counseling Service for International Students.
You can reach us here: social.counselingtu-dortmundde
We are looking forward to assisting you!