Erasmus+ Staff Mobility
The EU education program Erasmus+ has been promoting cross-border mobility of students and university academic and non-academic staff since 1987. In addition, diverse cooperation and partnership programs offer far-reaching opportunities for institutional exchange between universities in Europe and worldwide.
Non-academic staff and Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators of TU Dortmund University can apply for an Erasmus+ Mobility Grant.
Information sessions in 2025
- May 8, 2025 (10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) Registration for in-university training | Arbeitsplatz Hochschule
- November 13, 2025 (10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) Registration for in-university training | Arbeitsplatz Hochschule
Well Informed
- non-academic staff of the administration and central institutions (e.g. Student Registration Office; faculties; university library; International Office)
- Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators
Non-academic employees of the administration and central institutions as well as Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators at TU Dortmund University can apply for the so-called Erasmus+ program countries. These are the:
27 Member States of the European Union (EU)
Belgium | Bulgaria | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | France | Greece | Ireland | Italy | Croatia | Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malta | Netherlands | Austria | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Sweden | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Czech Republic | Hungary | Cyprus
6 Program Countries outside the EU
Iceland | Liechtenstein | Northern Macedonia | Norway | Serbia | Turkey
Funding for Erasmus+ staff mobility to partner countries is excluded at TU Dortmund University.
- Internationalization of TU Dortmund University's work area by developing new processes and methods
- Professional exchange and new perspectives
- Strengthening of own competences
- Expansion and deepening of networks
- Job shadowing
- Participation in workshops and seminars (no conference participation)
- Participation in so-called staff weeks
- Participation in language courses (recommendations)
Funding can only be provided at TU Dortmund University for a minimum duration of two consecutive days up to a maximum of one week (5 working days or 7 calendar days). Based on the available Erasmus+ budget and the number of applicants, the International Office decides whether funding is possible and to what extent the mobility can be supported.
TU Dortmund University applies for funding for the Erasmus+ project every year. Each project (so-called calls) usually has a duration of 26 months. In recent years, TU Dortmund University has fortunately been able to increase its Erasmus+ budget. At the same time, however, expenditure has risen continuously. In order to meet these increased demands, it may be necessary for the International Office to prioritize the allocation of funds. Fundamental changes (e.g. funding rates, allocation of funding groups) can be made by the EU Commission / DAAD for each call.
The financial framework conditions are determined by the DAAD, while the implementation is the responsibility of the universities, depending on the budget situation.
If funding is provided via the Erasmus+ program, the following accommodation and travel costs apply:
Accommodation expenses
Depending on the country group, the following uniform daily rates apply (Call 2023):
- Country Group 1 (Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden): EUR 180
- Country Group 2 (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain): EUR 160
- Country Group 3 (Bulgaria, FYR of Macedonia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey): EUR 140
Travel expenses | Unit costs for outward and return journey | Green Travel
In addition to the daily rates, travel costs are added depending on distances between the starting point and destination of the mobility, which are determined uniformly using the Distance Calculator. Reimbursment per stay and depending on the distance with the amounts listed below.
Furthermore, additional funding is possible within the framework of individual support for sustainable travel in the course of "Green Travel". Eligible are all participants who need longer time for the trip due to the use of sustainable means of transport. You can also receive up to 4 additional days of funding under the individual support if you need longer time for the trip due to the use of sustainable means of transport.
- 10 - 99 km: 20 EUR
- 100 - 499 km: 180 EUR (for "Green Travel": 210 EUR)
- 500 - 1,999 km: EUR 275 (for "Green Travel": 320 EUR)
- 2,000 - 2,999 km: EUR 360 (for "Green Travel": 410 EUR)
- 3,000 - 3,999 km: EUR 530 (for "Green Travel": 610 EUR)
- 4,000 - 7,999 km: EUR 820
- 8.000 km and more: 1.500 EUR
Additional funding for participants with a disability or chronic illness
University staff with a GdB of 20 or more or a proven disability, due to which there is an additional financial need or a chronic illness, can apply for support for additional costs incurred via the International Office (contact person is Andrea Schöne).
Additional funding for participants who are traveling abroad with a child/children
University staff who are funded for a stay abroad via Erasmus+ and are traveling abroad with their child/children can apply for support for any additional costs incurred via the International Office (contact person is Andrea Schöne).
Important information
The Erasmus+ mobility grant includes the accommodation and travel costs, which are subsidized by the EU Commission / DAAD as unit costs, as shown above. The grant recipient is obliged to personally pay tax on any positive differences between real costs and unit costs.
There is no reimbursement of travel expenses under the LRKG NRW.
All non-academic employees of the administration and central institutions of TU Dortmund University have the opportunity to organize a stay abroad within the framework of the above-mentioned further and continuing education formats and then apply for financial support. It should be noted that each mobility measure must be planned in close coordination with senior staff, the International Office and the Department of Human Resources and Legal Affairs (Department 3).
Application documents
by e-mail to Department 3.3 (Personalentwicklung)
- Letter of motivation
- Letter of recommendation from the senior staff
- Planned project and a program description
- 3 months before planned mobility
If an Erasmus+ staff mobility was carried out with funding, you can reapply for a grant after 2 years.
Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators can apply for funding directly through the International Office (Andrea Schöne).
Before the mobility
Once the Department 3.3 (Personnel Development) / International Office have approved the application, the following information must be submitted or confirmed by e-mail to the International Office (Andrea Schöne) at least six weeks before the planned stay:
- Naming of working days abroad and the period of stay, date of arrival and departure, actual place of arrival and departure, name and address of the host institution
- Program/event schedule
- Online-Application Form and Mobility Agreement
- Request for a business trip via SAP (you will receive the relevant information from the International Office / Andrea Schöne)
If all documents are complete, you will receive a Grant Agreement with the funding guidelines, which must be signed and returned to the International Office / Andrea Schöne.
For your mobility, Department 3.2 will automatically apply for an A1 Certificate (within the EU) / Secondment Certificate (outside the EU) from the health insurance fund after you have submitted your SAP business trip application. You can carry this with you during your stay abroad or present it later if you are asked for it during your trip.
Travel safety: The decision to travel to risk areas lies with you and TU Dortmund University, taking into account the regulations of the Erasmus+ program, the institution's internal strategies and the respective crisis management. This also means that you must inform yourself about the current situation in the host country on the website of the Federal Foreign Office and consult with the International Office before you begin your stay abroad.
During the mobility
- Obtain a Certificate of Attendance/ Certificate of Attendance (Language School) from the host institution at the end of the Erasmus+ mobility period.
After the mobility
- Send a copy of your travel receipts together with the Certificate of Attendance (original) to the International Office within two weeks of the end of the business trip.
- A link to the EU Online Survey will be sent to you directly by e-mail from the EU Commission.
- Participation in information events and/or submitting a testimonial for the website is welcome. The Department of Human Resources and Legal Affairs and/or the International Office may contact you with a request to participate.
Bettina Gemke, Secretary's Office | Applied Computer Science XI
The one-week language course in St. Julians on Malta was a valuable experience. The lessons (language course 30Plus) took place daily from 9:00 - 15:00 in a small group (5 people) with participants of different nationalities. Following the lessons, various excursions were offered (e.g. to Valletta, Mdina and Rabat), so that there was also the opportunity to get to know the country and its people. Overall, I came back very motivated and gained lots of new ideas on how to further improve my English skills.
Thomas Oeldemann, Executive Assistant to the Rectorate | International Affairs Division
The one-week stay in the European Capital of Culture Timisoara (Romania) was a very valuable experience. The contents conveyed during the Staff Week gave me stimulating ideas for my everyday work at TU Dortmund University. The participation of university members of various nationalities also gave me valuable intercultural insights. The cultural program in Timisoara was very diverse thanks to this year's designation as European Capital of Culture and provided a wonderful insight into everyday life in Romania.

Contact in the Department of Human Resources
Stefanie Niemann
E-Mail: weiterbildungtu-dortmundde
Phone: 0231 755 4796
Contact in the International Office
Silke Viol and Andrea Schöne
E-Mail: andrea.schoenetu-dortmundde
Phone: 0231 755 2503