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(Online) Event Series 8.-17.5.: Career Days at TU Dortmund University

  • News Internationales
  • Outgoings
© TU Dortmund
Learn more about career paths and support services - during and after your studies - in the first Career Days at TU Dortmund University. The International Office will also take part with two presentations about internships abroad (for all students) and the German job market for international degree-seeking students. Use this opportunity in the online events from 8-16 May and during the Campus Day on 17 May to gather information, get questions off your chest and make new contacts!

The events are open for all of TU Dortmund University's students and PhD candidates. Paticipation is free of charge.

Follow this link to all of the Career Days events

Events with the International Office

Register here

Mit einem Auslandspraktikum bauen Sie Ihre interkulturellen und persönlichen Kompetenzen aus und bekommen auch neue Impulse für Ihre angestrebte Karriere. Das Referat Internationales hilft Ihnen, die perfekte Stelle im Ausland zu finden und den Aufenthalt auch zu finanzieren. Stipendien- und Vermittlungsprogramme werden vorgestellt und Studierende berichten über Ihre Erfahrungen in einer völlig fremden Arbeitswelt.

Presenter: Laura Hope, International Office, TU Dortmund

Register here

Entering the German job market is an exciting time for international graduates. Learning from TU Dortmund University alumni who successfully landed their first job in Germany may help to answer a lot of questions: What can I learn from international alumni in terms of strategies, preparation and networking? What helped them to pursue the career they wanted? How did they navigate cultural issues? What difficulties did they encounter and how did they tackle them? What advice can they give to other international students who are facing a similar situation right now?

In this online session, international alumni of TU Dortmund University share their experiences about successfully entering the German job market. The session will be conducted in English.

Organized by: Julia Pehle, International Office, TU Dortmund University

Laura Hope will also be at the MArket of opportunities on 17.5. Between 1:00 and 5:00 pm you can come by and find out more about stays abroad during and possibly even after your studies.  (North Campus, Emil-Figge-Str. 80)

Further information is available on the event website

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You can also get information during events outside of the Career Days: The 6-part series „Karriere im Blick/Focus on Career“ starts on 24 April with a presentation about career planning/entering the career market.

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