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For One Semester at Partner University Overseas

PROMOS Scholarship: Study Abroad Storyteller

Daniel with a TU-flag in front of a seascape © Daniel W.​/​Privat

TU Dortmund University offers the PROMOS scholarship program, funded by the DAAD and BMBF, for one semester at an overseas partner university. 

All TU Dortmund University students (in Bachelor or Master) who are studying at an overseas bilateral partner university (Free Mover or exchange students) may apply.

Your job during your semester abroad:
We need ambassadors for our partner universities! The Study Abroad Storytellers keep everyone back home up-to-date and regularly report on what they are experiencing abroad.

Study Abroad Storytellers

Eligible Stays Abroad

Students who are participating in the Overseas Exchange Program (ISEP and bilateral) or so-called "Free Movers" spending one semester at one of the bilateral or ISEP overseas partner universities may apply for the scholarship.

Eligible universities are available in the information about the Overseas Exchange Program as well as in the list of partner universities in the information for independently organized stays abroad. If you are not sure if your school is a part of the program, just ask in the International Office.

Förderfähige Hochschulen finden Sie hier unter den Informationen zum Übersee Austauschprogramm und bei den aufgelisteten Partnerhochschulen unter den selbstorganisierten Aufenthalten. Bei Fragen dazu hilft das Referat Internationales.

You must be enrolled at TU Dortmund University for the entire semester abroad. A leave of absence (Beurlaubung), however, is possible.

Scholarship Amount

Students receive a stipend for three months according to the country rates set by the DAAD​​​​​​​ (in the column "Teilstipendium Aufenthalt").

Additional Funding

Students with special needs (at least GdB 50) or chronic illness can apply for up to 10,000 EUR additional funding from the DAAD; just be sure to contact the International Office early on in the planning process (six months prior).

Apply now!

15.9. for Spring / 15.6. for Fall

© Laura Hope​/​TU Dortmund

Application Process

  • 15.9. for the semester starting between January and March
  • 15.6. for the semester starting between July and September

The decision will be announced approximately one month later.

The creative part of the application has two parts:

1.  Applicants should show us their creativity with "posts" from Dortmund. Pretend that you have been given the task of showing TU Dortmund University and the Ruhr Area through photos/videos and short texts. Put together two posts in German, and each one should fit into one of these categories (Please only use each category once.):

  • Learning everywhere
  • Locals
  • Special places
  • Culinary exchange
  • "When in Rome"

2.  Create a story or reel in English in the style of the Storyteller “Takeovers” on @tudo_international with the motto “A Day in Dortmund”. The Storytellers take over our account once a semester and show us everything from highlights to normal daily routines at the host university. With your day in Dortmund, we want to see that you can creatively show us what it's like to study and live at TUDO and in Dortmund. You are welcome to send us a finished story (consisting of your own photos and videos or reel via an Instagram account or as individual files via Sciebo). Don't forget your own introduction at the beginning and the farewell at the end! 

Please only use your own photos and videos for all submissions.

Documents (as one PDF):

  • 2 creative "posts" in German
    can be turned in however you see fit, for videos send a link but do not forget the written description
  • 1 story or reel (A Day in Dortmund) in English
  • Statement of purpose (max one page) in German
    Explain why you want to study at your host university and what your expectations are - and especially why you would be the perfect ambassador for the host university!
  • Admission letter from the host university
    (if not organized through TU Dortmund University's exchange program)
  • CV/Resumé (German or English)
  • Grade Report/Transcript of records
    (all grades from the TU DO or from other schools, e.g. from BOSS)
  • Confirmation of your GPA ("Durchschnittsnote") from the Examinations Office
    All students who have completed at least one semester at TU Dortmund University must submit proof of their average grade (GPA) from the Examinations Office. The PDF documents generated in BOSS will not be accepted. Please be sure to take care of this on time.
    If you are currently in your first semester, we can accept your GPA/grade report from your past studies or school. 
  • Current certificate of enrollment
    (You have to be able to show that you were enrolled at TU Dortmund University for the entire duration of the stay abroad. Turn in your current certificate and the next one can be turned in later.)

Please send all documents in one PDF through e-mail to going-abroadtu-dortmundde.

  • Creativity
  • Adaptability of the posts to social media
  • Linguistic skills
  • Grades
  • Activities in addition to your studies (volunteer work, jobs, etc.)

Scholarship recipients must turn in the following documents within two months after the stay abroad:

  • Transcript of Records from the host university
  • Experience Report and Consent Form
    (Template in the Checklist for Stays Abroad)
  • Current certificate of study progress ("Studienverlaufsbescheinigung")

The documents can be sent to promos-stipendientu-dortmundde through e-mail or with a ("public", not personalized) Sciebo link.


E-mail Inquiries

General inquiries: going-abroad
Erasmus+ study abroad: erasmus-outgoings

Office Hours

(Only) Erasmus+ Study Abroad:

Office hours via telephone/zoom with Hella Koschinski: by prior arrangement
Tel.: 0231 755-6247

Office hours in presence: only with appointment
Tue 9:00-12:00


General Inquiries - Outgoings (Studies/Internships/Short Programs):

Open office hours (no appointment necessary) with Laura Hope via telephone / Zoom 
Tel.: 0231 755-4728  
Mon 10:00-11:30  und  13:30-15:00   (on 24.3. only until 14:30) (no advising on the morning of 7.4. and 14.4.)   
Tue 10:00-11:30  und  13:30-15:00    

Do you need to speak to us in person?
Office hours in presence  only with an appointment