Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility (Incoming)
Your willingness to host teaching staff/guest lecturers as part of an existing Erasmus+ cooperation makes a valuable contribution to the internationalization of TU Dortmund University.
Erasmus+ teaching staff mobilities are an important part of any resilient and active Erasmus+ cooperation. In this way, the cooperation partners get to know each other even better at department level in order to plan further exchange activities, develop new cooperation projects and strengthen the cooperation. Due to the short duration of these teaching activities (usually one to two weeks), the students of the respective university also benefit from these guest lectureships. Some students may be inspired to spend a semester or a year abroad, and students who are unable to spend time abroad can gain an international experience at their home university.
If you receive a request from abroad regarding an Erasmus+ teaching staff mobility in the department, you should first check whether an Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement exists with the university, otherwise an Erasmus+ mobility is not possible.
If you are contacted by someone who is interested in an Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility at TU Dortmund University and you are not sure whether your department has an Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement with this university, please check the website Erasmus+ Partner Universities of the Department (Teaching Staff Mobility).
The conditions for Erasmus+ teaching staff mobility are similar for all lecturers in the Erasmus+ program and partner countries.
The answers to the questions
- Who Can Apply?
- What Are the Program Countries and Partner Countries?
- With Which Universities Do the Departments Cooperate?
- What Are the Goals?
can be found on the Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility main page and apply to both outgoings and incomings.
However, each university of a program or partner country may give different answers to the following questions, as the distribution of funds may vary and the administrative steps on the partner university side may also differ from those at TU Dortmund University:
- What Conditions Must Be Met for Funding?
- These are determined by the home university.
- How High Is the Mobility Grant?
- The mobility grant also depends on the Erasmus+ budget of the home university which is funding the trip.
- It is important to know that the sending university is always responsible for the administrative and financial processing. This means that your department is not responsible for the travel and/or accommodation costs of the guest lecturer.
- Which Administrative Steps Have To Be Followed for a Grant?
- These are also determined by the home university for its respective outgoing staff. There is no guarantee of funding.
- However, an Erasmus+ Mobility Agreement must be completed by all participants in the Erasmus+ program. The participant will fill out the template provided by the EU Commission and send it to you. It can be signed by the supervising academic in the department. After completion, please send a scan of the Mobility Agreement to the International Office (Andrea Schöne). This gives the International Office an overview of Erasmus+ guest lecturers who are received by the departments so that information for statistical queries can be provided.
Preparation is the responsibility of the guest lecturer. However, the departments may choose to provide support, in particular with
- Applying for a visa (if necessary) (the Federal Foreign Office can provide helpful information here)
- Finding accommodation (hotels near the university are a good option, as the stay is usually only a few days)
- Finding suitable childcare (the TU Dortmund University Family Service can help here)
- Necessary support with disabilities ( DoBuS can help here)
- Planning the journey
When applying for a visa or funding, an Invitation Letter from the host department is often required. You must provide this letter. The International Office will be happy to help you prepare such a document.
It goes without saying that the teaching content must be well coordinated at an academic level.
Upon arrival, you are responsible for welcoming the guest lecturers and familiarizing them with their short-term workplace.
It is up to the departments themselves to decide to what extent they will support the guest lecturer after the official teaching period at TU Dortmund University. As a rule, you should look after the guests in the same way as you would like to be looked after at the partner university. A return visit, i.e. an Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility of a TU Dortmund University lecturer at the partner university, is certainly already being planned.
The guest lecturers are responsible for preparing their departure.
The guest lecturers need a signature on their Certificate of Attendance, which can be signed in the department.