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For One Semester at an Overseas Partner University

PROMOS Scholarship: Come TU Dortmund

Gruppe internationaler Studierenden © Felix Schmale​/​TU Dortmund

Exchange programs can only work if TU Dortmund University's students come up with great ideas at their host universities to spread the word about Dortmund and this university's wonderful programs. We need Dortmund students who are so convincing that the students from abroad are willing to continue paying their high tuition fees to come to Dortmund, ensuring space at the foreign university for future generations of Dortmund students.

Show us which creative ideas and projects you carried out at the host university and how you tried or are trying to convince students to study abroad for one or two semesters in Dortmund.

Eligible Stays Abroad

Who Can Apply?

Students who participated in the Overseas Exchange Program (ISEP and bilateral, coordinated through the International Office).

Students who went abroad independently as so-called "Free Movers" at one of the overseas bilateral or ISEP partner universities.

The call for applications is only valid for stays abroad during the same calendar year as the deadline.

Not Eligible:

  • Study abroad through a departmental exchange program (e.g. Erasmus+; overseas bilateral departmental cooperation)
  • Stays abroad in short-term programs (summer and winter schools)
  • Internships at partner universities
  • Study abroad in one's home country (non-German citizens)


Students with the best activities will receive a stipend for three months according to the country-specific rates from the DAAD (the column "Teilstipendium Aufenthalt" ).

It is not possible to receive two scholarships at the same time - you may not receive a PROMOS scholarship as well as another scholarship for the same timeframe.

Apply Now!

10.11.2025 for Stays Abroad in 2025

© Silke Viol und Jane Artmann​/​TU Dortmund

Application Process

10. November for all activities carried out in the same calendar year.

The decision will be announced approximately one month later.

Documents (as one PDF):

  • Description of your activity/activities (German or English)
    Explain what your activity was from the beginning to the end: the concept, reasoning (why this activity), how it was carried out, reach, outcome (max two pages). You may also explain activities that are planned through the end of your semester.
  • Documentation
    Show us through e.g. photos or other forms what you did: turn in photos, newspaper articles, radio recordings, etc. In case the activity was not documented in some way, please turn in a confirmation from the International Office of the host university that you carried out an event
  • CV/resumé (German or English)
  • Grade report/Transcript of records
    (all grades from TU DO or from other schools, e.g. from BOSS)
  • Confirmation of your GPA ("Durchschnittsnote") from the Examinations Office
    All students who have completed at least one semester at TU Dortmund University must submit proof of their average grade (GPA) from the Examinations Office. The PDF documents generated in BOSS will not be accepted. Please be sure to take care of this on time.
    If you are currently in your first semester, we can accept your GPA/grade report from your past studies or school.
  • Current certificate of enrollment 

Please send all documents in one PDF via e-mail to

  • Creativity and effort
  • Outcome / sustainability
  • Grades

Scholarship recipients must turn in the following documents within two months after the stay abroad:

  • Transcript of Records from the host university
  • Experience Report and Consent Form
    (Template in the Checklist for Stays Abroad)
  • Current certificate of study progress ("Studienverlaufsbescheinigung")

The documents can be sent to promos-stipendientu-dortmundde through e-mail or with a ("public", not personalized) Sciebo link.


E-mail Inquiries

General inquiries: going-abroad
Erasmus+ study abroad: erasmus-outgoings

Office Hours

(Only) Erasmus+ Study Abroad:

Office hours via telephone/zoom with Hella Koschinski: by prior arrangement
Tel.: 0231 755-6247

Office hours in presence: only with appointment
Tue 9:00-12:00


General Inquiries - Outgoings (Studies/Internships/Short Programs):

Open office hours (no appointment necessary) with Laura Hope via telephone / Zoom 
Tel.: 0231 755-4728  
Mon 10:00-11:30  und  13:30-15:00   (on 24.3. only until 14:30) (no advising on the morning of 7.4. and 14.4.)   
Tue 10:00-11:30  und  13:30-15:00    

Do you need to speak to us in person?
Office hours in presence  only with an appointment