The EU education program Erasmus+ has been promoting cross-border mobility of students, university teaching and administrative staff since 1987. In addition, diverse cooperation and partnership programs offer far-reaching opportunities for institutional exchange between universities in Europe and worldwide.
The Erasmus+ program generation (2014-2020) was replaced by Erasmus+ (2021-2027) in 2021. For each program generation, the universities have to submit an application to the Executive Agency in Brussels (EACEA), which TU Dortmund University successfully did also in 2020. Based on this higher education policy statement (European Policy Statement ), TU Dortmund University received an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (2020) from the EU Commission. It proves that TU Dortmund University fulfills all requirements for a successful participation in the Erasmus+ program.
For more information on Erasmus+, please visit the website of the European Commission and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The DAAD provides information on current developments in the new Erasmus+ program generation (2021-2027) on its website.
The focus areas in the new Erasmus+ program are:
- Digital Transformation (Erasmus Without Paper (EWP))
- Inclusion and Diversity
- Environment and Combating Climate Change (Green Erasmus)
- Participation in Democratic Life (Civic Engagement)
The following information contains only the information for students and employees of TU Dortmund University.
Erasmus+ Key Actions at a Glance
Student and staff mobility is possible in KA131 with program countries. Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements (IIA) are required for exchange activities for study abroad, teaching staff mobility and Blended Intensive Programs.
There are already many existing Erasmus+ partner universities of the individual departments.
Internships abroad and staff mobilities are not linked to IIAs.
General information on this key action is available on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (German).
Students and staff of TU Dortmund University can read about the application formalities here:
Application | Coordination
The International Office applies centrally for funding from the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
The program is implemented in cooperation between the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinators and the International Office.
Successful projects at TU Dortmund University
- since 1994 SMS and STA
- since 2007 in addition STT
- since 2008 in addition SMP
- since 2021 in addition BIP and International Mobility
In the new program generation, universities have been given additional opportunities to financially support students and teaching staff (Outgoings) within the framework of the Erasmus+ program (KA131) if they carry out a mobility at a partner university in a partner country.
Since the funds for this so-called "International Mobility" (i.e. simplified "outside Europe") are limited, TU Dortmund University sets criteria for the university-internal application through the International Office.
These criteria for the application and the application form can be found on "Erasmus+ International Mobility".
Only staff members of departments can submit an application for their departmental-wide agreement to the International Office. It is not possible for students to apply directly at the International Office.
For the funding of students and teaching staff, an Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA) must then be concluded for the exchange activities.
Students and staff of TU Dortmund University can find out more about the program content and application formalities soon on this website.
Application | Coordination
The International Office applies centrally for funding at the Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA).
The program is implemented in cooperation between the Erasmus+ departmental coordinators and/or contact persons for department-wide agreements and the International Office.
At TU Dortmund University, no further application is currently being sought in KA171. Alternatively, the application for outgoing mobilities is possible under certain conditions via the "Erasmus+ International Mobility" within the framework of KA131.
In the following you will find a general program overview of the individual programm lines for students and staff with links to the DAAD (in German):
Application | Coordination
The International Office can apply centrally for funding to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) for departmental cooperations that have been successfully implemented by departments over many years and can be integrated into a strategic framework regarding the regions. A departmental cooperation agreement must already exist and proof must be provided that exchange activities are active. An application could only be submitted if the cooperation fits into the strategic orientation of the application. Currently, however, no application is being sought in this program line. If you have any questions, please contact Silke Viol.
The program was implemented in cooperation between those responsible for the department-wide cooperation agreement and the International Office.
Successful Projects at TU Dortmund University
Call 2023 (KA171)
- No application submitted
Call 2022 (KA171)
- Application completed / Rejection
Call 2021 (KA171)
- No application possible
Call 2020 (KA107)
- Department of Human Sciences and Theology: Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR), Bandung, Indonesia
- Department of Business and Economics: Ono Academic College (OAC), Kiyat Ono, Israel
- Department of Cultural Studies: The University of Social Sciences and Humanities Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City (USSH), Vietnam
Call 2019 (KA107)
- Department of Business and Economics: University of Sarajevo (US), Bosnien und Herzegowina
Call 2018 (KA107)
- Department of Human Sciences and Theology: Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR), Bandung, Indonesia
- Department of Business and Economics: Ono Academic College (OAC), Kiyat Ono, Israel
Call 2016 (KA107)
- Department of Human Sciences and Theology: Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR), Bandung, Indonesia
- Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering: Chulalongkorn University (CU), Bangkok, Thailand
Call 2015 (KA107)
- Department of Human Sciences and Theology: Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR), Bandung, Indonesia
Here you will find an overview of the "new" Erasmus+ program generation (2021-2027) with links to the DAAD. An overview of all innovations in Key Action 2 in this Erasmus+ program generation can be found on this DAAD page:
- Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships (KA220)
- Capacity Building
- Alliances
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master and Erasmus Mundus Design Measures
- Jean Monnet-Activities
- Teachers Academies
Application | Coordination
Professors can submit applications directly to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The Office of Research Support Services can provide assistance with the application process if desired.
Successful projects at TU Dortmund University in the Erasmus+ program generation 2021-2027:
Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training (KA220)
Call 2023
- Department of Spatial Planning (Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Othengrafen): UPRUN: "Skills Expertise Urban Planning for Social Resilience in Urban Neighbourhoods. Transformative Change through Civic Engagement " (8 Participating universities and reasearch institutions)
- Department of Business and Economics (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Liudvika Leišytė): InterHEd: "InterHEd Intersectionality in Higher Education" (4 Participating universities)
- Department of Cultural Studies (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Fengler): CoMMPASS: "Communicating Migration and Mobility - E-Learning Programs and Newsroom Applications for Sub-Saharan Africa" (8 Participating universities and reasearch institutions)
- Department of Social Sciences (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt): SUNMENTORS: "Support for University Student Mental Health" (6 Participating universities and reasearch institutions)
- Department of Social Sciences (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt): EngageSDGs: "Teaching Staff" (12 Participating universities and reasearch institutions)
- Department of Social Sciences (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt): SMARTVILLE: "Developing Sustainable and Entrepreneurial Villages through Educational Living Labs in Namibia and Zambia" (7 Participating universities and reasearch institutions)
- DoKoLL (JProf'in Dr. Carolyn Blume): ReaLiTea: "Research Literacy of EFL Teachers" (7 Participating universities and reasearch institutions)
Call 2022
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Henke): EXPERTISE: "Experienced Purchasers Education Research Transfer for Industry 4.0 Skills Expertise" (Participating Countries: DE,FI,NL,SK)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Henke): MachineLearnAthon "Developing Machine Learning Competencies for Interdisciplinary Teams at Universities"
Call 2021
- Department of Business and Economics (JProf. Dr. Simon Hensellek): Cowork4EU: "Coworking Best Practices for European Universities"
- Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Bühler ): UPowerWAD: "Involving, empowering and training end users with disability to fully participate in the Web Accessibility Directive objectives"
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM)
Call 2022
- Department of Physics (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kevin Kröninger): "Master of Science Advanced Methods in Particle Physics (IMAPP)." (Participating countries: DE,IT,FR)
Details on the individual projects can also be found on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform .
Susccessful Projects at TU Dortmund University in the Erasmus+ program generation 2014-2020:
Strategic Partnerships (KA203)
Call 2020
- Department of Social Sciences (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt): ViSAS: "Virtual Social Art Stage"
- DoKoLL (JProf'in Dr. Carolyn Blume): ELLeN: "English Landuage Learning Neurodiversity"
Call 2019
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Henke): PERSIST: "Purchasing Education Research Syndicate: Industry 4.0 Skills Transfer" (Participating countries: DE,FI,NL,SK,UK)
- Department of Social Sciences (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt): SPIRE-SAIS "Skills Alliance for Industrial Symbiosis - A-Cross-sectoral Blueprint for a Sustainable Process Industry"
- Department of Social Sciences (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt): ARTE: "The Art of Employability"
Call 2018
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Henke): Blocknet: "BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer" (Participating countries: DE,DK,EE,LT)
- Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Quinten): Creability: "Creative methods for an inclusive cultural work in Europe" (Participating countries: DE,GR)
- Department of Social Sciences (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Howaldt): ESSA: "Blueprint “New Skills Agenda Steel”: Industry-driven sustainable European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy"
Call 2017
- Department of Physics: iTHEPHY: "Innovative Team-Teaching for Physics" (Participating countries: DE,I,FR)
- Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs): JobActEurope
- Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs): SIKE "Social Innovation through knowledge exchange" (Participating countries: CR,DE,ES,PT,UK)
- Department of Mathematics: LaMaVoc
Call 2015
- Department of Mechanical Engineering (Univ.-Prof. Dr. habil. Michael Henke): PERFECT: "Purchasing Education and Research for European Competence Transfer" | coordination TU Dortmund University (Participating countries: DE,FI,NL,UK)
- Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs): CODEMOB: "Teaching coding and mobile devices in telecentres" (Participating countries: BE,DE,ES,HU,HR)
Capacity Building:
Call 2019
- Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs) (Kerstin Guhlemann): ARTE: "The Art of Employability Antonius" (Participating countries: BE,CZ,DE,FI,IT,LT,NL,PL,ES,UK)
- Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs)(Antonius Schröder ): SPIRE-SAIS: "Skills Alliance for Industrial Symbiosis - A-Cross-sectoral Blueprint for a Sustainable Process Industry" | coordination TU Dortmund University (many participating countries)
Call 2018
- Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs) (Antonius Schröder): ESSA: "Industry-driven sustainable European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy" | coordination TU Dortmund University (Participating countries: BE,CZ,FI,IT,LT,NL,PL,ES,UK)
Call 2016
- Social Research Center Dortmund (sfs): "Students 4 Change: Social Entrepreneurship in Academia" (Participating countries: MX,CL,BR,CR,FR,CO,DE,ES,PT)
This key action is divided into different areas and calls. Here you will find an overview about the program lines (in German).
Application | Coordination
Professors can submit applications directly to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The Office of Research Support Services can provide assistance with the application process if desired.
Good to Know
In this factsheet, the EU Commission provides an overview of the opportunities and priorities in the new Erasmus+ program: Factsheet Erasmus+ (2021-2027) - only in German
Erasmus Code+ of TU Dortmund University: D DORTMUN01