Dortmund Global Edge Program (DoGEP)
The Dortmund Global Edge Program (DoGEP) is a special offer for students from partner universities in the USA. Students (Bachelor or Master) start in the fall/winter semester with a study abroad program at TU Dortmund University with supplementary courses to prepare them for their entry into practice and follow up with an internship in the Ruhr Area in the following spring/summer semester. TU Dortmund University organizes the internship for the students.
You start in September with a four-week German Intensive Course for exchange students and then start in October with the lectures you have selected in advance with your Academic Advisor.
Besides the academic courses, additional courses are offered in English to prepare you for your entry into practice. Possible topics include writing a job application or self-presentation in online networks, so that you are optimally prepared for the internship in semester 2.
If you do not have any German language skills before your arrival in Dortmund, this is no problem! If you already have good language skills, all doors are also open to you.
The International Office focuses on building up a close relationship between you and your contacts at TU Dortmund University during the first semester so that an internship can be individually organized for you.
In the spring/summer semester you will complete your internship, during which you can attend additional courses at TU Dortmund University if the internship supervisor agrees.
Your internship will usually end at the same time the summer semester ends, by the end of July.
This program gives you the opportunity to not only experience studying at a German university, but also to gain valuable insight into everyday work life in Germany.
You can find information around the topics
- Highlights at TU Dortmund University
- Courses | German Intensive Course | Language Courses
- Housing | Application
- Visa | Health Insurance | How to Get to the Campus
- and much more
under Exchange Students, which apply to you as well.