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Guided tour of the German Football Museum

Begin: Location: German Football Museum (Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1, 44137 Dortmund)
Beleuchtetes Gebäude © Roland Gorecki​/​Stadt Dortmund

Take part in the guided tour of the German Football Museum on 19 September 2024. We look forward to seeing you!

The Welcome Services team warmly invites you to an exclusive guided tour of the German Football Museum in English on 19 September 2024.

Get to know other international researchers at TU Dortmund University, make new contacts and learn more about the exciting history of football and legendary moments that have shaped German identity. You will receive further information after your registration.

You can register via the following link until 17 September 2024: Event-Registration.

You are also welcome to bring your spouse and/or your child(ren) to this event! Please indicate this accordingly in your registration. However, places are limited.

We are looking very much forward to seeing you!

Your Welcome Services Team


Datenschutzhinweis | Data Protection Notice

Ihre Angaben (Titel, Vorname, Nachname, Institution/Bereich, E-Mail) werden für die Veranstaltung benötigt. Sie werden an die Veranstaltungsorganisation (TU Dort­mund, Referat Internationales, Emil-Figge-Straße 61, 44227 Dort­mund sowie den Datenschutzbeauftragten der TU Dortmund) weitergeleitet und ausschließlich für die Veranstaltung verwendet.

Data Protection Notice:
Your data (title, first name, last name, institution/department, e-mail) are required for the event. They will be forwarded to the event organization (TU Dortmund University, International Office, Emil-Figge-Straße 61, 44227 Dortmund as well as the Data Protection Commissioner of TU Dortmund University) and will be used exclusively for the event.