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Workshop “Career design with your personal business model”

Design your professional future with your values and presentation: It's not just companies that have to adapt to a changing world. Learn how to shape your career with your own values and skills.

We are undergoing profound change in the world of work. New work, remote work, work-life balance, holacracy and agile working methods are just some of the buzzwords that need to be brought to life. But how can I find out which values and which way of working is right for my career?

In this workshop, we will show you how to develop your own career and find your own path. Learn a structured approach to thinking about your own career. Define your own goals and strengths and recognize how you can use them to grow personally and professionally. We will give you helpful insights into how you can deal with the complexity of a modern working environment while maintaining your satisfaction and success. Learn how to use entrepreneurial thinking to advance your own career.

Who: Frederik Poth, CET TU Dortmund
When: October 21, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: IBZ (in presence)
Registration: Please register in advance:

Anmeldung "Workshop Karrieredesign mit deinem persönlichem Geschäftsmodell"/ Registration "Career design with your personal business model”

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