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From all around the world to TU Dortmund University

Welcome Services for International Researchers

The Welcome Services team is your contact for organizational questions and concerns regarding your stay at TU Dortmund University. On the following pages you will find information about the provided services and other relevant topics.


Information for hosting chairs and institutes

In order to receive advice and support for international guest researchers and guest lecturers as well as doctoral students, postdocs and professors, please contact us at an early stage.

Current funding programs:

Welcome Services Registration

Please register here for our services so that we can support you in the best possible way.

Activities | News | Deadlines

Events and Networking Opportunities

Please register for our mailing list to be informed about upcoming events.

There are no current entries.


We are your contact persons for questions and concerns related to your stay and will be happy to support you.

Student assistants

Joanna Hänsch, Mirja Kanowsky and Vanessa Westhues

Contact: welcome.servicestu-dortmundde