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Overseas Exchange Program


The application deadline for the Overseas Exchange Program is 30 October for the next academic year.

Applicants will receive the first feedback on their applications by the end of November. Interviews typically take place in December.

Please note that German language skills are required in this program (at least B1), thus the application form is only available in German.

Please read the information on this website carefully!

Please gather information about the cost of living in your host country BEFORE you apply. Information is available in the call for applications and in a personal advising session in the International Office.

Your application needs to be submitted online. You do not need to turn anything in to the International Office. The application consists of:

  • Online application form (in German)
  • Photo
  • CV or resumé (German or English)
  • Answers to the following three questions (in English):
  1. What do you expect from your study abroad experience with regard to your academic development and what is the added value of studying your subject in the country for which you are applying? Please also list the courses that you would like to take. (This is just a "wish list" to show us in which direction the courses will go. Have a look at some schools to see what type of courses are available in your field.) (max 800 words)
  2. Please tell us about your experience volunteering and assisting in organizations or other volunteer work, with or without an intercultural focus. (max 400 words)
  3. What actions and events at your host institution can you imagine organizing to make TU Dortmund University more popular and to get as many foreign students as possible interested in studying in Dortmund? (max 400 words)
  • Enrollment Certificate
  • Transcripts of Records
    Include your transcripts from all past and current study programs.
  • Confirmation of your GPA ("Durchschnittsnote") from the Examinations Office
    All students who have completed at least one semester at TU Dortmund University must submit proof of their average grade (GPA) from the Examinations Office. The PDF documents generated in BOSS will not suffice. Please be sure to take care of this on time!
    If you are currently in the first semester of your program, we can accept your GPA/grade report from your past studies or school. 

Please note:

  • You must submit your application online on time.
  • You may not submit any further documents/certificates.

You are free to select multiple countries in your application. It is important that you give us - if applicable - a ranking according to your priorities (in the online application).

Your application needs to be submitted online. You do not need to turn anything in to the International Office. The application deadline ends at mindnight on 30 October.

Unfortunately we cannot consider incomplete or late applications.

You will receive a response to your application approximately by the end of November and will then know if you are being invited to an interview. About 50% of the applicants are invited to an interview.

The interviews typically take place at the beginning of December, and each one is very short (about 10 minutes). In the interview you will be asked questions about your application as well as more general questions. The interviews typically are in English; you may also have to be prepared to show us how much you know in the host country's language. We cannot give any more information about the interviews.

You will most likely be informed of the selection committee's decision before Christmas. Should we be unable to offer you a space in the exchange program, you should check on the possibility of carrying out an independently organized study abroad (as a so-called Free Mover); sometimes such study abroad plans can be completely financed through AuslandsBAföG.

If you receive a spot in the program:

No matter which exchange program, the International Office will be helping you every step of the way. You will receive more information at this time about the necessary steps and any possible scholarships.

If you receive a spot in the bilateral exchange: You will find out at this time which university you will get and whether or not you will need a language certificate.

If you receive a spot int he ISEP exchange: You will receive more information about the further process and are allowed to pick ten universities for the nomination. ISEP will then place you at one of these universities.  Thus, you will not know until later which universiity you have received. Many of the ISEP universities require in this next step a current TOEFL test score. You will have plenty of time to register for and take the test after the selection committee sends out its decisions.

Selection Criteria

We welcome applications from all departments. In this program, your grades are not necessarily decisive: the criteria listed below are much more important:

  • (Voluntary) Commitments
    An important building block in preparing for a stay abroad is getting involved in activities on campus or where you live. Especially if you are involved in international or intercultural activities, you will learn important things about the desired host culture or about working with people from other cultures in general. You will also gain a much better understanding of how to prepare yourself for your own stay abroad. You will learn more about TU Dortmund University, especially through the activities on campus, which is also important for your role as an ambassador at the host university. Find out about events and programs, such as buddy programs, in which you can get involved.
  • Academic/Personal Motivation
    If you would like to take part in an academic exchange, scholarly reasons are relevant when applying. Nevertheless, your personal interests are also important. Explain your motivation (academic and personal) for this application or for your choice of university so that the selection committee can find the right place for you.
  • Creativity
    Show us your personality and your (creative) strengths in your answers to the questions above. There are no limits to your creativity!


E-mail Inquiries

General inquiries: going-abroad
Erasmus+ study abroad: erasmus-outgoings

Office Hours

(Only) Erasmus+ Study Abroad:

Office hours via telephone/zoom with Hella Koschinski: by prior arrangement
Tel.: 0231 755-6247

Office hours in presence: only with appointment
Tue 9:00-12:00


General Inquiries - Outgoings (Studies/Internships/Short Programs):

Open office hours (no appointment necessary) with Laura Hope via telephone / Zoom 
Tel.: 0231 755-4728  
Mon 10:00-11:30  und  13:30-15:00   (on 24.3. only until 14:30) (no advising on the morning of 7.4. and 14.4.)   
Tue 10:00-11:30  und  13:30-15:00    

Do you need to speak to us in person?
Office hours in presence  only with an appointment