Applying in Germany
Would you like to work in Dortmund or in Germany after your graduation from TU Dortmund University?
Applying in Germany
Complete and convincing application documents are an important step in making a good impression on potential employers. Application workshops help you to learn about the applicable standards in the application process.
The International Office is not currently offering any workshops - as soon as there are dates, you will find out about them here!
The Stellenwerk at the Center for Entrepreneurship and Transfer (CET) offers application trainings, the check of application documents and coaching for job interviews. On the website of Stellenwerk you will find all further information (in German).

You can also take advantage of the services offered by the university team of the Employment Agency on campus (in German) - both at the beginning of your studies (including a labour market-oriented orientation of your studies), during your studies (e.g. for your internship application) and at the end of your studies (transition to the labour market, reorientation if you drop out).
A comprehensive overview of the contact points, events and counseling services at TU Dortmund University, which can support you with questions regarding career orientation and career entry, can be found at the Campus Network Career Service.