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Further donation from the Bildungsengel e.V. association

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The International Meeting Center on Campus North. The H-Bahn is driving past. © Roland Baege​/​TU Dortmund
The Bildungsengel funding program can be used to support international researchers in order to bridge funding gaps.

For the second time since 2022, TU Dortmund University is receiving funding from the Bildungsengel e.V. association for international researchers in financial need. Future funding will focus in particular on international researchers who need to bridge funding gaps between their Master's and doctorate or between their doctorate and postdoc phase.

Thanks to the substantial donation from the Bildungsengel e.V. association, which is dedicated to the issue of educational equality in Germany, TU Dortmund University has additional funds of 15,000 euros at its disposal. These funds can be used to support international researchers facing involuntary funding gaps for up to six months with an amount of 250 to 1,000 euros per month. From now on, another person can be supported for six months via the new donation from the Bildungsengel e.V. association.

The initiative was launched by the association Bildungsengel e.V. after highly qualified academics from crisis regions were stranded in numerous German university cities in 2022, for whom there were hardly any funding options available in the short term. Christine and Prof. Detlef Müller-Böling, founders and chairmen of Bildungsengel e.V., saw a clear need for support against this backdrop: "Our donation is a small contribution to individual social security on the one hand and to securing the academic potential of these people on the other. We are pleased that we can support international researchers in crisis situations at TU Dortmund University with this program. Our aim is to provide unbureaucratic and rapid funding for international researchers in emergency situations."

Prof. Tessa Flatten, Vice President International Affairs at TU Dortmund University, is also very pleased about the renewed funding: "Thanks to the donation from Bildungsengel e.V., we have already been able to support seven people who were in need of bridging funding since 2022. I am particularly pleased that we have been able to provide this funding across all departments - for example from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, the Department of Physics and the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. The new donation enables us to build on this and continue to provide uncomplicated financial support for researchers in need in the future."

Applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis by TU Dortmund University professors or institute directors to the Vice President International Affairs. In close cooperation with Bildungsengel e.V., the possibility of funding will then be examined. Detailed information on the Bildungsengel program, funding criteria and the application process can be found here.

To Bildungsengel e.V.