Counseling Services for Refugees
On this page you will find helpful information about various counseling and support services both at TU Dortmund University and in the city of Dortmund and the surrounding area.
For refugees interested in studying at TU Dortmund University, the Refugee Counseling and Integration Office in the International Office is the first point of contact for questions and concerns.
Refugees who are already enrolled can also make use of the counseling and support services of the Refugee Counseling and Integration Office at any time.

Consultation at the Refugee Counseling and Integration Office
Please contact us with your request by e-mail (refugee.counselingtu-dortmundde). We will be happy to arrange an appointment for online counseling via Zoom or by telephone.
Consultation in presence/on site takes place every Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in Pavillon 10, Room 112 of the Refugee Counseling and Integration Office (Emil-Figge-Str. 73, 44227 Dortmund) and is only possible with a prior online appointment.
During consultation you can get information on the following topics, among others:
• University entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung)
and study application
• Language requirements for studying at TU Dortmund University
• Support program Language Training for Refugees
• Scholarship programs and study financing
• Further support programs and events on campus
We are also happy to refer you to other counseling services offered by TU Dortmund University.
Further Counseling Offers for TU Dortmund University Students
The Central Student Advisory Service offers general guidance regarding the general framework of university studies, the choice of the right subject and the different degree programs offered at TU Dortmund University. On the website of the Central Student Advisory Service you can learn more about the services and the current office hours.
Each department at TU Dortmund University has its own degree program advisors who can give prospective and enrolled students detailed information about the study and examination regulations of specific degree programs. They also inform applicants about specific admission restrictions of certain degree programs and study opportunities in general. You can find an overview of the different departmental advisors here.
Further consultation services can be found on the official website of the General Student Committee (AStA).
The Psychological Student Advisory Service is part of the services provided for all students of TU Dortmund University by the Central Student Advisory Service. This counseling service is free for all enrolled students and you do not have to show your health insurance card to make use of it.
The Studierendenwerk Dortmund offers psychological counseling for students at TU Dortmund University, Fachhochschule Dortmund and South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences. The counseling service is free of charge and also available in English.
Counseling Centers and Other Services for Refugees in Dortmund and Beyond
- MigraDO - Service Center Migration & Integration Dortmund:
MigraDo is aimed at all people moving to Dortmund from Germany or abroad, regardless of nationality. Advice and support for arriving in Dortmund.
(Website in German, English, Turkish, Italian, French, Bulgarian, Polish, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch)
- "lokal willkommen" - The Dortmund Integration Network:
Counseling center for immigrants/refugees in Dortmund. Flyer in German, English, Arabic, Farsi and French.
(Website in German, English, Turkish, Italian, French, Bulgarian, Polish, Greek, Russian, Spanish, Ukranian, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch)
- Multikulturelles Forum e.V. - Refugees in Dortmund:
The service is aimed at refugees who do not have a permanent residence permit.
(Website in German, English, French, Kurdish, Turkish, Iranian, Syrian, Russian, Eritrean, Afghan)
- Verbund sozial-kultureller Migrantenorganisationen Dortmund e.V. (VMDO):
The service is aimed at refugees who have not yet applied for asylum; asylum seekers; persons with a tolerated status; recognized refugees; persons who are obliged to leave the country; persons with an unclear legal status. The counseling service is free of charge, but requires registration.
(Website in German)
- Projekt Ankommen e.V.:
The service focuses on refugees from the time they move out of the emergency shelter and into their own apartments.
(Website in German, Arabic, English, Ukrainian, Iranian)
- Train of Hope Dortmund e.V.:
A voluntary association for networking and integration assistance for refugees. Counseling, leisure, and group-specific offers (e.g. for women, families, queer people, men, tutoring, etc.) are provided.
(Website in German)
- Diakonie Dortmund - Regional Refugee Counseling:
The service is aimed at asylum seekers after distribution and assignment to the municipality outside of transitional facilities, refugees with toleration, persons subject to mandatory departure (except return counseling) and refugees with unclear legal status.
(Website in German)
- Caritas Dortmund - Refugee Counseling:
The service is aimed at persons with an unclear legal status or a temporary suspension of deportation and asylum seekers before and during the asylum procedure as well as in the first phase after its completion. Consultations in German, English or French.
(Website in German)
- DRK Dortmund - Social Counseling for Refugees:
The refugee counseling service offers assistance with questions about asylum, residence and social law matters. The offer is directed at refugees, regardless of their residence status. Consultations in German or Turkish.
(Website in German, English, Arabic)
- DRK Dortmund - Migration Counseling for Adult Immigrants (MBE):
(Website in German, English, Arabic)
- DRK Dortmund - Departure and Perspective Counseling:
(Website in German and English)
- IN VIA - Youth Migration Service (Catholic Social Services):
The program is aimed at immigrants and young people with an immigrant background under the age of 27 and offers support in the areas of language, education, employment and social affairs.
(Webseite in German)
- AWO Dortmund - Social Counseling for Refugees:
The service is aimed at refugees and provides advice on asylum, residence and social law matters. The offer is directed at refugees, regardless of their residence status.
(Website in German)
- AWO Dortmund - Youth Migration Service:
The service is aimed at young people with a migration background and refugees under the age of 27.
(Website in German)
- Migration Law Legal Clinic Dortmund:
Free legal advice in residence, asylum and social law for migrants, offered by students of the FH Dortmund in cooperation with fully qualified lawyers.
(Website in German)
- Integreat App Dortmund:
Integreat is a digital integration platform consisting of an app that can be used offline, a website, and a PDF brochure that provides relevant local information for refugees and immigrants.
(Website in German, English, Arabic, Russian, Turkish, French, Croatian, Polish, etc.)
- Protestant Student Community Dortmund:
Pastoral care and (financial) counseling for (foreign) students.
(Website in German)
- Catholic Student Community Dortmund:
Pastoral care and (financial) counseling for (foreign) students.
(Website in German)
- AWO Dortmund - Psychosocial Center (PSZ) for Refugees:
The service is aimed at psychologically burdened refugees and includes short-term and crisis interventions, diagnostics and clarification of needs, psychological statements, advice on social and residence issues and, if necessary, further therapeutic services or referral to established colleagues or other counseling centers. If necessary, the service is supported by language and cultural mediators. The counseling service is usually free of charge, but requires registration.
(Website in German but flyer in English, Arabic, Farsi, French, Ukrainian)
- Medical Refugee Assistance Bochum:
The service includes medical referral, social counseling, psychological counseling and psychotherapy, human rights work, psychological and medical assessments, and opinions, which can be submitted to courts and authorities (asylum application). The service is supported by language and cultural mediators if necessary.
(Website in German and partly English)
- Overview of the Psychosocial Centers (PSZ) in North Rhine-Westphalia:
(Website in German)
- Caritas - Online Counseling on Migration-Specific Topics:
(Website in Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Dari/Farsi, French, Croatian, Italian, Polish, Pashto, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Somali, Tigrinya, Turkish, Ukrainian)
- Info on International Telephone Counseling Services - International Helplines:
(Website in German, English, Arabic)
- Muslim Telephone Counseling:
Counseling in Turkish, Arabic and Urdu. On request also in other languages.
(Website in German)
- Ukrainian Telephone Counseling Service:
(Website in German, Ukrainian, Russian, English)
- Russian Telephone Counseling Service:
(Website in German, Russian)
- Dortmund Network for Refugees:
(Website in German)
- City of Dortmund - Information Page for Refugees:
(Website in German)
- BAMF - Asylum and Refugee Protection Overview:
(Website in German, English, Turkish, Ukrainian, Arabic)
- Consumer Advice Centre - Information for Refugees and Refugee Workers:
(Website in German, English)
- workeer - The largest job platform for refugees and newcomers in Europe:
(Website in German, English)
- Multilingual health information from the NRW Health Center:
The Landeszentrum Gesundheit NRW has set up a website on which information and resources of various kinds on the subject of health (access to the health system, prevention, illness, therapy, etc.) are made available in many different languages.(Website in German, links to multilingual pages and content)
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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Refugee Counseling and Integration Office.
You can reach us here: refugee.counselingtu-dortmundde
We are looking forward to assist you!