Funding program Bildungsengel for international scientists
Thanks to the funding program Bildungsengel we have the possibility to support international scientists that face involuntary financial gaps between the completion of a Master's degree and a doctoral qualification or doctoral qualification and the post-doc phase.
The various crises in the world are also causing considerable difficulties for the scientists from a wide range of countries who are working at German universities.
Money from family or funding institutions in crisis countries can no longer flow. In transitional periods between studies and permanent employment in Germany, there is a lack of work permits. German funding institutions are overrun or simply cannot cope with the flood of applications.
With all these challenges, the Bildungsengel - Initiative für Chancengerechtigkeit durch Bildung, supports TU Dortmund University with a fund for international scientists that face involuntary financial gaps between the completion of a Master's degree and a doctoral qualification or doctoral qualification and the post-doc phase.

The most important facts about the funding program Bildungsengel
The fellowship is aimed at international researchers who
- hold a Master's degree or a doctoral qualification (or equivalent);
- have language skills necessary to successfully continue their academic work;
- are willing to become part of TU Dortmund University as guest researchers within the framework of this funding initiative.
The received applications are examined and reviewed on a monthly basis. Together with Bildungsengel e.V., a selection of eligible persons is made on the corresponding key dates. Applications can be submitted at any time via prorektorin_internationalestu-dortmundde.
The applications can only be submitted by chairholders or heads of institutes at TU Dortmund University and should include the following documents:
- cover letter from the chair/heads of institutes with a brief background on the person to be funded and information on the desired funding period (six months maximum);
- tabular curriculum vitae (CV) respectively résumé of the person to be funded;
- completed form "Bescheinigung über einen Gastaufenthalt";
- the form "Wissenschaftlicher Gastaufenthalt" (in German) or "Academic Research Stay" (in English) completed by the person to be funded;
- information on contact details and bank details of the person to be funded.
At the end of the funding period, a short written report is requested from the funded person. The report should not exceed one page in length. This should briefly outline the research topics that have been worked on throughout Bildungsengel funding as well as a brief outlook to any future plans after the end of the Bildungsengel funding.
The report should be sent to prorektorin_internationalestu-dortmundde.
The amount of the allowance is between €250 - €1,000 per month for a period of up to six months.