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Guest residencies of international scientists at TU Dortmund University

Dort­mun­d Gambrinus Fellowships

The Gambrinus Fellowship-Program supports guest stays of renowned international ­scientists at TU ­Dortmund University.

Call for Proposals 2025

It is a great pleasure for TU Dortmund University to once again announce the Gambrinus Fellowships.

Please submit proposals for potential Gambrinus Fellows to the International Office by 30 April 2025.

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Since the­ program aims to particularly promote the development of new contacts, applications for international­ scientists who have not yet been guests at TU­ Dortmund University will be given preferential treatment.

A selection committee decides on the proposals that were submitted on time. The leading selection criterion is the scientific reputation of the visiting scientist.

An integral part of the Gambrinus Fellowships is that the invited­ scientists and­ scholars at TU­ Dortmund University perform teaching and­ research tasks and give a public lecture. During their stay, they will be supervised by the inviting department, which will also provide the infrastructure (workplace etc.) for the visit. Financial support for the guest stay by the department or chair in question amounting to approx. 30% of the requested cost sum is desired.

The amount of the individual Gambrinus Fellowships is based on the calculated travel and accommodation costs incurred by the guest. A daily rate of 80 Euro is used as a basis for the calculation of the accommodation costs. The duration of the guest's stay can range from a few days to a maximum of four weeks.

With the approval of a Gambrinus Fellowship, the host scientist is obliged to send a final report on the activities of the fellow to the International Office and, if necessary, to participate in the public relations work associated with the stay. For tax reasons, the Fellow's participation in teaching at the department is­ required and must be proven.

Proposals for potential candidates should be submitted via the respective dean’s offices or the management of the central­ scientific­ institutions and should include the following documents:

  • a justification for the invitation of the guest,
  • a brief outline of the­ scientific CV of the proposed visiting scientist,
  • an estimate of the probable costs of travel and subsistence.


Gambrinus Forum

The highlight of the annual Gambrinus activities is the Gambrinus Forum. Here, internationally renowned scientists address a broad public with lectures.
