International Study Programs (Joint/Double Degree)
There is the possibility of developing and implementing study programs together with international partner universities. Here, among other things, a good existing partnership and intensive trusting cooperation between the institutions are important.

Important for the understanding and structure of international study programs is the clarification of the often ambiguously used terminology of joint degree programs and double degree programs.
- A joint degree program is a joint study program that is completed at TU Dortmund University and the respective partner university and leads to a degree.
- A double degree program, on the other hand, is a coordinated program of study that is completed on a pro-rata basis and leads to two separate degrees.
Are you considering establishing a program with your international partner(s) and have questions regarding the process, framework and accreditation, for example? At TU Dortmund University, the Corporate Center University Development and Organization provides support in this regard. Please contact Ms. Hammacher at an early stage for advice and if you have any questions.