3 Tracks - Numerous Opportunities!
Within the ISP, participants can choose courses from three different tracks and combine them freely: Track A "Engineering", Track B "Humanities" and Track C "Entrepreneurship". In all tracks there is the possibility to carry out a research project.
All courses are offered in English and there are no special enrolment requirements for participation. ISP participants can choose any desired number of courses. In addition to attending a German course and the culture course, participation in two to three other courses is recommended.
Participants can choose courses from all three tracks. In the online application, participants are asked to make a preliminary course selection. However, this course selection is not binding, as the final course selection will only be made at the welcome session in Dortmund.
Upon successful completion of the program, your official transcript of records will be sent to your home institution by e-mail. Your transcript will contain the courses you have successfully completed, the corresponding credits and your grades. The number of credits depends on the individual courses. Participants who successfully complete a German Language Course and the Culture Course will receive 6 ECTS. Other courses comprise 1.5 to 7.5 ECTS.
German Language Course & Culture Course
The participation in a German course is mandatory within the framework of the ISP. Shortly before the start of the ISP, a short test is carried out to determine the language level of the participants. Depending on the identified needs, German courses for beginners and more advanced learners are arranged.
The mandatory culture course "Germany - Politics, Culture and Society" offers an insight into German history and culture and takes place on two Saturdays.
Track A - Engineering
Track A is organized by the Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, the focus of the track being primarily on process engineering and economics. This track is aimed at students from the second year of study onwards. When applying for it, interested students can submit a preselection of courses using the course catalog. The final choice of courses will only be determined after arrival in Dortmund, as the offers in the course catalog are subject to change.
- Dynamic Simulation
- Logistics of Chemical Production Processes
- Drops, Bubbles and Films
- Essentials of Micro Process Engineering
- Fundamentals of Synthetic Biology
- Data-Based Dynamic Modeling
- Controller Design Fundamentals
- Intensive Course in Statistics for Researchers in Engineering Sciences
Track B - Humanities
Track B is organized by the Department of Cultural Studies. Track B focuses on German culture in a European and/or international context. Since the topics of the individual courses are oriented towards new developments, the courses change every year and are published shortly before the start of the ISP. Interested students can see the preliminary courses in the course catalog.
- Theories of Literature, Culture, Media
- Video Games Literacy
- Advanced Studies II: Biographical Research
- Democratic Theory
- Coffee & Cafés - A Beverage and Its Cultural Impact
Track C - Entrepreneurship
Track C is organized by the Department of Business and Economics. This track is aimed at students who are interested in entrepreneurship and economics. Students will have the opportunity to deal with the above-mentioned topics from different perspectives. Interested students can see the preliminary courses in the course catalog.
- Business Model Innovation (Bachelor)
Research Project
A research project can be carried out either full-time or part-time, depending on whether other courses are taken (the German course and the culture course are compulsory, however). Participants who decide to carry out a research project are supervised by a professor or doctoral candidate. They will be integrated into a multicultural team and can work on small projects and research.
If you are interested in a research project, please contact the according contact person of your desired research area:
Engineering: Lukas Lüken | Moritz Heinlein
Humanities: Sascha Pöhlmann
Entrepreneurship: Pia Rosenthal
Application: Research Project
When applying online, please indicate whether you would like to carry out a research project and which subject area you are interested in.
Admission to the ISP is usually granted in March. Subsequently, suitable research projects are requested for interested parties. The contact between interested ISP participants and potential future supervisors is established in April/May.
International Summer Program
Bei Fragen können Sie gerne das Team des International Summer Programs (ISP) kontaktieren.
E-Mail: summerprogramtu-dortmundde
Telefon: +49 231 755-6373/7869
Sprechzeiten per Zoom: nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung
Sprechzeiten in Präsenz: Dienstags 13:30-15:00 Uhr nur mit Terminanmeldung