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Event 28.6.: Going Abroad with Disability - A Testimonial from the USA

  • News Internationales
  • Outgoing_News
A person is holding a walking stick for the blind © CDC​/​Unsplash
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TU alum Kirsten just got back from the USA and wants to share her experiences with us! During her studies she spent one semester studying at a partner university in Georgia, and after her studies she spent two more years teaching at a school in New Mexico. Kirsten will share these experiences with us especially in regards to her visual impairment and hopes to encourage others to do the same and dare to go abroad.

The International Office will also present the special funding available through the PROMOS and Erasmus+ scholarship programs for students with a disability or chronic illness.

Learn more about equal opportunities for international mobility at TU Dortmund University!

Students of all degree programs are welcome to attend. The event is especiall worthwhile for all students of Education and/or students with a disability or chronic illness. This event is brought to you also by the TU Dortmund Division of Disability and Studies (DoBuS) and the Talent Scouts.

Come to the IBZ or join us online - this will be a hybrid event. However, we ask that you register, no matter how you plan to attend. Please send any disability-related needs regarding the event via e-mail to going-abroadtu-dortmundde

While the event will not be translated into German sign language, there will be automatic subtitling of the Zoom session.

28 June 2023

Online through Zoom or in the International Meeting Center (IBZ)
Room 2/3
Emil-Figge-Str. 59
44227 Dortmund

Register here for the event!