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Course Catalog

Exchange students benefit from a particularly diverse range of teaching and research at TU Dortmund University. They can choose both Bachelor and Master level courses from the degree programs in all 17 departments, with the language of instruction varying between German and English.

Module Handbooks | "Syllabus"

Most departments at TU Dortmund University structure their degree programs in so-called module handbooks (Modulhandbücher), so that the same courses are offered regularly or recurrently. Some departments, e.g. the Department of Cultural Studies, sometimes offer new courses on current topics every semester.*

In the following table you will find all study programs at TU Dortmund University as well as their module handbooks or a course catalog from the current semester for your orientation. A short instruction for reading the course descriptions can be found here.

(DE): Most or all lectures are taught in German

(EN): Most or all lectures are taught in English

Course Catalog

Mathematics, Technomathematics and Business Mathematics
Further Offers
B.Sc. & M.Sc. Data Science
(joint degree programs of the Departments of Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics under the general management of the Department of Statistics, see below)
Computer Science
Applied Computer Science
Further Offers
B.Sc. & M.Sc. Data Science
(joint degree programs of the departments of Statistics, Computer Science and Mathematics under the leadership of the Department of Statistics, see below)
Business Informatics (DE & EN)
(part of the Department of Business Administration and Economics)
Digital Transformation (DE & EN)
(part of the Department of Business Administration and Economics)
English-taught courses of the Department of Computer Science here
Mechanical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Technology
Master Manufacturing Technology

Module Handbook Master Manufacturing Technology (EN)
Further Offers
M.Sc. Automation & Robotics
(belongs to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, see below)
English-taught courses of the Department of Mechanical Engineering here
English-taught courses of the Department of Spatial Planning here

* Necessary short-term changes in the course portfolio due to illnesses etc. may occur.

** Please note that the module handbooks linked here are generally up to date, but you should check the latest versions on the respective websites of the department.

How Do I Search for Specific Courses?

All courses at TU Dortmund University are listed in the online university portal Teaching Studies Research "Lehre Studium Forschung (LSF)". There you can find all listed courses from the past semesters for orientation as well as the courses for the next semester. Please note that all courses can only be found in the system very shortly before the semester start.

Click here for the LSF

Exchange Students (Worldwide | ISEP | USA Program)


If you have any questions, please contact the team of Guest and Exchange Students.

E-mail: exchange-studentstu-dortmundde

Phone: +49 231 755-6373/7869

Office hours via Zoom: Please send us an e-mail to make an appointment
Office hours in presence: Tuesdays 13:30-15:00 pm. Please book an appointment here